• GOD is the CREATOR of the universe.
  • CHRIST is the incarnation of GOD on  earth.
  • The HOLY SPIRIT is the presence of GOD in the WORLD and in the believer.
  • THE CHURCH is a universal company of CHRIST’S followers.
  • FORGIVENESS OF SIN is made possible by the crucifixion of JESUS.
  • LIFE EVERLASTING is shown by the resurrection of JESUS.
  • THE BIBLE is the inspired word of GOD.


The Linden Presbyterian Church has the privilege and responsibility of leading and teaching all who come within its sphere of influence so that they may grow in wisdom, in stature and in favor with God and man, as did their Lord Jesus Christ. In order to do this we must recognize Christ as head of the Church and conduct the affairs of the Church in Christian love.
Christian nurture is a regular part of the mission of this Church as we minister to the spiritual guidance, the moral training, the physical well-being, the mental health and the social needs of all our people from the cradle to the grave.


Our community of faith strives to fortify family values in all of our programs, activities and services. The Linden Presbyterian Church is committed to a strong mission program enabling us to reach people in need within the congregation, the community, and the world.


Rev. David Myers, Interim Pastor, pastordavemyers@lindenpres.org
Fran Burt, Administrative Assistant
Leslie Carolan, Clerk of Session: clerkofsession@lindenpres.org
We are located at:
1506 Orchard Terrace Linden, NJ 07036
Summer Office hours, Monday, July 6 to Sunday, August 30, 2020 are:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from
9 am until 12 pm.  Phone number: 908.486.3073
For Pastoral Emergency after office hours, please call Pastor Dave Myers at 973.222.4967.